Dream Creations

We help you with the best

We do more than just wedding, we plan your life ahead for years to come

Dream Creations is the name of a



service in Siliguri established in the year 2019. It is a blend of two words: Dream, which means fantasy, and creation, which means the process of bringing something into existence. Hence Dream creation helps you plan and execute your fantasy.

Places we have worked fulfilling dreams of our happy clients

We Plan Wedding's That Are


We are a team of experienced event planners and coordinators who can help you plan your dream wedding according to your budget. With over two years of experience as a wedding planner, we have the knowledge and experience to ensure that your wedding is everything you’ve dreamed of. Our goal is to make sure that every detail is taken care of hence we have curated b exclusive udget friendly packages for you!

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Dream Creations


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We work to make every portion, every inch perfect